Eastern Metaphysics as a Necessary Mechanism for “Spiritual Awakening”
Nana Misabishvili is a biologist with higher education and a certified expert in Eastern metaphysics. Through her knowledge of various branches of Eastern, particularly Chinese, metaphysics, she helps people have a harmonious relationship with themselves and the outside world.
What are the main principles of Eastern metaphysics?
Chinese metaphysics is the art of managing energies. It is a complex of teachings based on wisdom gathered by ancient wise men through centuries of observation on the impact of energies. This knowledge was formulated into systems, secretly passed down from generation to generation, and has reached us today. Once, Eastern metaphysics was knowledge available only to emperors and royalty, teaching them how to manage subtle and invisible energies. Today, this knowledge is accessible to the general public. However, I would like to point out that it is often simplified, distorted, and reduced to absurdity. As a result, this watered-down version is not effective. The energy that permeates everything around us is invisible; we cannot touch or measure it, but its influence on us is immense. The main and fundamental principles of Chinese metaphysics imbued with determining the quality of these invisible energies and adjusting them to benefit an individual. This knowledge helps us mitigate negative energies and harness beneficial flows to improve the quality of life.
Why are these principles believed to affect human well-being?
The teachings of Eastern metaphysics help people have the right connection with both the world and themselves, discover the full potential of both their inner self and the space around them. Unfortunately, most people have no idea why things are happening in their lives or what their purpose is. Understanding the “Four Pillars of Fate” through Chinese metaphysics helps us uncover this knowledge. It enables individuals to understand their own nature, abilities, and the challenges they were born with. The “Four Pillars of Fate” serve as a person’s energy passport. “The Art of War,” which has been translated into everyday life as the art of achieving goals and overcoming challenges. In addition, everyone needs a safe home where they can relax, recharge, and succeed outside. “Feng Shui” is the art of arranging a home in such a way that it synchronizes with the energies of the person living there. The art of “date selection” helps us determine the best time to take action for any initiative to be effective and efficient. Another aspect is the ability to determine a person’s character, potential, and abilities through the art of “face reading.” A person’s face provides complete information about their character, fate, and success, which can be interpreted from the shape of their nose, forehead, lips, eyebrows, or wrinkles. This knowledge helps people find goodness in life.
What does the concept of awakening mean to you, and how do you see Eastern metaphysics as a necessary mechanism for “spiritual awakening”?
In my view, anyone who has mastered Eastern metaphysics has already been awake spiritually. To me, a person is “asleep” if they cannot answer the question: “Who am I?” Unfortunately, many people struggle to answer this. Chinese metaphysics helps people find the perfect answer to this question. All its branches aim to help a person understand who they are, why they came into this world, and how to maximize the potential they were born with. Therefore, if a person uses the techniques of Chinese metaphysics, we can say they are already on the right path.
What are some common misconceptions about Eastern metaphysics?
As I mentioned earlier, Eastern metaphysics is the art of managing energies. One of the most common misconceptions relates to Feng Shui, which is the most well-known aspect of metaphysics in our country. The popularized and simplified version of Feng Shui often leads to absurdity. In Georgia, and elsewhere, people associate Feng Shui with images or figurines from Chinese culture, or mythology, such as a three-legged frog, an elephant, or a duck, which is, of course, a huge mistake. Such approaches have nothing to do with real, classical teachings. Once again, Feng Shui is the art of managing energy, not filling a space with Chinese souvenirs.
What would you advise the reader?
I would advise readers to always remember how precious they are. Each person is needed by the universe, which is why we are here at this moment in time. It’s essential to understand the mission and purpose we were born with and how we should fulfill that purpose. Chinese metaphysics is a perfect tool to help us on this journey.
By Mariam Mtivlishvili