Sara’s Life Beyond the Silent Kertaias Woods
Sara was a 27-year-old girl who lived in the small village called Kertaias, surrounded by high mountains. The Kertaias was hidden among the flower-scented meadows where the wheel of time did not turn; The population always led a simple and monotonous life: they grew, worked and finally disappeared into silence.
Sara lived alone in Kertaias, in a two-story house on the outskirts of the village. Her house overlooked a forest of pines and chestnuts that began at the end of the village. She had no friends and rarely spoke to anyone, and because of this silence and mystery, the villagers looked at Sara strangely.
Although Sara appeared to be one person on the outside, inside she was always split in two, like two different personalities. The one side of her was quiet and gentle and the second part was strong, wild and aggressive.
This internal conflict of Sara continued for years. As a child, she did not even realize that others did not have a similar condition. She could be calm for a day, and then suddenly her other self would wake up and she would behave rudely and uncontrollably, which did not stick in her memory.
Soon in the village they started talking about her strange behavior. Some believed that Sarh was losing her mind, while others believed that she was possessed by the devil. Because of this, she was always avoided and finally forgotten.
But Sara didn’t mind. Her most difficult battle was with her inner demon. One day, while walking in the forest, someone’s voice was heard in her mind, which asked him clearly and sternly:
– “I’m Sara. But who are you?”
The girl stopped and looked around. At that moment, even the forest was silent, no birds were seen anywhere. And the voice continued to talk to Sara:
– “You are like me, but you are different. I also know how you feel. I have been living in you for a long time, but now is the time for me to appear.”
From that point on, the voice became intense, especially when Sara was alone with herself. Her second self was becoming more active and powerful, gradually subduing Sara completely.
Sara knew something was lurking in her mind, but she couldn’t figure out how to fight it. One day, while sitting in the field, the voice in her mind started again and Sara said to her other side:
– “Your time is up. I am the real Sara.”
The girl felt that the other self was trying to destroy her, she also knew that fighting alone would not be enough.
She also knew that this process would be difficult, but she had one way to learn to live with her other self. And for that, a long journey was necessary to become internally whole. Now, more firmly convinced, she was ready to begin her journey.
By Mariam Mtivlishvili