What does spiritual awakening mean?
In order to understand what it means to be spiritually awake, we must first understand what it means to be in a deep spiritual sleep. People who do not have any question about existence of their soul are in a deep spiritual sleep. They don’t even care where they are or who is managing them. A person in deep spiritual sleep is literally like a zombie, functioning at two or three chakra levels below. For them, life is based only on physical survival, physical well-being, and pleasure. They have almost no spiritual or moral values and are willing to do anything for their own well-being. They believe without any analysis and accept everything that powerful people tell them. People in deep spiritual sleep are enmeshed, with their entire being, in the corrupt system of this matrix and feed it with their lies, dishonesty, fear, aggression, and many other low vibrational emotions and energies.
Now, we can imagine what a spiritually awakened person might be – the opposite of everything listed above. Spiritually awakened people have many questions about the laws of the universe, can think critically*, have empathy (compassion) for all living beings, and try to live in full compliance with the laws of the universe. Spiritual awakening is not what many people imagine. For many, it is only associated with spiritual practices, obtaining esoteric knowledge, and astral travel. However, this is not enough for the soul to fully fulfill its mission in this reality. The soul did not come here only for spiritual practices. It is equally important that the soul also fulfills a strong and distinct civic duty in this reincarnation.
Spiritual awakening is quite a painful process for many people because when you begin to realize what a violent and corrupt system you have been a part of for many years, as a result of which you have broken many laws of the universe and caused pain to many people and animals, it is not easy to bear. Neither is the negative karma, which the soul has earned in this system, an easy ransom. Sometimes we actively contribute to this system through our wrong actions and further strengthen it by doing so, and sometimes passively when we see injustice – how they oppress and treated cruelly and unfairly others (be they humans, animals, or the environment) – and we turn a blind eye to it. In this case, we also passively support and strengthen the evil system. Either way, passive or active, we still remain part of this system and breathe life into it.
A spiritually awakened person is highly conscientious and fair in all their actions. They function at the level of the upper chakras and try to bring all seven chakras into harmony. If they can do this, the world will indeed open the heavenly gates of wonder to them. This requires effort and great merit on our part. A spiritually awakened person begins to protect not only their own rights but also the rights of others, making their unique contribution to the awakening of their fellow brothers and sisters.
There is no time for silence, friends! It is a time of active and peaceful actions and full spiritual awakening. We must be able to do this and try to help others, even by providing them with the information they need. Whoever’s receptive ground is ready, sooner or later the seed of truth planted in them will undoubtedly germinate, prompting them to break free from the system and embark on the path of freedom.
We exist in a dual reality where there is good and bad, mean and kind, light and dark. A spiritually awakened person is well able to distinguish between them and make the right choice. When they talk about unity, it does not mean that a person accepts and unites the evil and the dark in their mind. It means that a person can become aware of their dark sides and transmute them into light, thereby he or she integrates them into his own essence. Only a spiritually awakened person can create a new, brighter, and happier reality on Earth, and that is the role many of us have on Earth today.
*Critical thinking does not mean cursing someone. Rather, it refers to a person’s ability to reason, think, and not be under the harmful influence of ‘authorities’. A critical thinker has their own point of view on various issues and is able to analyze, digest, filter, and synthesize the information they receive, unlike a person who is educated to learn other people’s thoughts and quote them.
Author: Rusudan Kvirikashvili